
<Sometimes in April> and child combatant in Brundi

zingari.JQ 2011. 7. 24. 16:24

Dear Suzan,

  I`ve just watched the movie, "Sometimes in April" is about genocide on Rwanda in 1994. the movie narrative for survivals of genocide, I can imagine that situaton a little. also, I have question about agent of genocide, and position of the western or UN.
  Why that people killing people? by ethnic identity or historical problamatic? or by the process that likes boy-combatant in Brundi?
  How some kind of belif killing people? how it works? by gun, some people feels the power come closer, and they make the ideology for that. but how that ideology works likes hypnosis?
  And the western was conquster, and now is just outstander. and UN? what can they do deeply in this political, historical, and phisicial problem? I think, the real deep solution is in their own, although they`re hurt.
  You`re saying about caring, tunning and understaing before the solution. I agreed that, and I`m wondering about their own healing method. maybe it`s easy way to forget everything, but it`s not permanent way. I believe sometimes Just listnening is very good healing, because it help for them to search their own treatment. caring, tunning and understaing. I agreed.
  I don`t know well about African situation, but I just jotting down my thinking. thanks for reading this. and I send the movie file link for you. and CHEERS!