Anthropology and The economy of Sharing(Widlock, 2016)
Widlok, Thomas, 2016, Anthropology and The economy of Sharing, Routledge.
This book examines the economy of sharing in a variety of social and political contexts around the world, with consideration given to the role of sharing in relation to social order and social change, political power, group formation, individual networks and concepts of personhood. Widlok advocates a refreshingly broad comparative approach to our understanding of sharing, with a rich range of material from hunter-gatherer ethnography alongside debates and empirical illustrations from globalized society, helping students to avoid Western economic bias in their thinking. Anthropology and the Economy of Sharing also demonstrates that sharing is distinct from gift-giving, exchange and reciprocity, which have become dominant themes in economic anthropology, and suggests that a new focus on sharing will have significant repercussions for anthropological theory. Breaking new ground in this key topic, this volume provides students with a coherent and accessible overview of the economy of sharing from an anthropological perspective.
#경제인류학 #나눔
경제행위에 대한 인류학의 세가지 개념(증여, 교환, 재분배) 말고 '나눔'이라는 새로운 개념으로 접근을 시도한다. (역시) 아직 읽지는 않았는데, 나눔의 관계로서 개인의 네트워크나 사람됨에 대해서 언급한 부분이 흥미로워서 메모를 남겨놓는다.